Owner Move In Evictions


Owner Move In Evictions, called OMIs, are a particularly dangerous sort of eviction to undertake. Many landlords think that they understand all the rules, only to find out later that they missed one, and have to start over and pay significant penalties. An OMI is used when a landlord wants to move him or herself into a residential unit and to live there as a primary residence. An OMI can also be used to house a member of the landlord's immediate family, but there are several important rules. 

First, the landlord must actually intend to live there for a set period. This period differs from county to county, and even from city to city, and if a landlord moves out before the period elapses, it makes it very easy for a tenant's attorney sue you and win. If you simply want to re-rent the apartment to another tenant instead of the tenant currently in place, you should never use an OMI. 

Similarly, the landlord must disclose other comparable properties. This is much harder than it sounds, and some firms advise that a landlord sell off all other properties before doing an OMI. We don't go that far, but we will note that many costly verdicts could have been avoided by retaining an experienced eviction firm in the beginning, instead of trying to do an OMI or similar eviction yourself. 

If you're considering an OMI, please contact us for an initial consult. It's free, and it could save you a great deal of money.