Retaining an Attorney Full-Time
for Family Law
The safest and easiest way to get through a family law case is to retain a lawyer for the duration of the case, so that lawyer can represent you at hearings, negotiate with other parties, and compose and file motions to get you the best end result possible. A retained attorney is paid hourly, at an agreed-upon rate. To begin representation, you pay money for a certain minimum number of hours into a trust fund maintained by your attorney, and your attorney will take money out of this fund as work is done on your behalf. Any unearned money is returned to you, and if you decide yo fire your attorney during your case, you will get all the unearned money back after your attorney gets court approval to get off the case. You will get regular billing statements that clearly show what your money was used for, and we're always happy to explain billing if there's something you don't understand.
Our hourly rates vary, based on the complexity of the case and the details of the parties involved. We are proud to do our part in representing low-income clients involved in family law matters, and we are equally proud of our ability to handle complex, high-value cases with custody, property, and asset distribution issues.
Talking to one of our attorneys about retaining a full-time lawyer is free, and unlike many firms, we will make sure you understand what's happening at every stage of your case. Our goal is to give you the best representation we can, and to help educate you on how family law works. If you'd like to talk to us about retaining an attorney full-time for a family law case, please fill out the form below, and we'll contact you as soon as possible.