Negotiating a Tenancy Buyout
Has your landlord or property manager offered you money to move? This is common in the Bay Area and major parts of Los Angeles, but it can happen anywhere. The most important thing to know is this: you are probably getting a seriously low-ball offer. Many landlords only offer a buyout when they know there’s a serious problem, either in the unit, or they’ve realized they can’t get you out, and are hoping you won’t find out.
We help tenants negotiate buyouts, often at no up-front cost to you, and we know the true costs of moving. We also know how much it costs to evict tenants, when and where it can be done, and we know how much a buyout should be worth in any given city. While all cases are different, in the vast majority of our cases, the initial offer from the landlord is way too low, and it’s easy enough for us to get that offer raised significantly. Send us the info on your case, below, and we’ll show you what we can do to help.