Family Law Pricing Test Page
With two hours, your attorney can go into greater detail about your case and review any documents that may have already been filed. You can get more specific advice and learn more about the hazards and opportunities of family law. This is a good choice for cases with significant property involved, like a house or retirement account, or for a case involving children.
With four hours to work with, your attorney will normally be able to review all the documentation in your case and provide you with a detailed plan on moving forward. Having this much time allows us to address common custody issues, property division, and the advisability of expert witnesses or special hearings. Highly recommend for complex cases, especially when there are allegations of a criminal nature.
A one-hour consultation with a knowledgeable and experienced family attorney about your case. Figure out where you are in the legal process, where you're going, and get expert advice about the road ahead. Very, very useful if you've never been in court before.