Deposition Preparation Pricing and Information


Deposition prep is a very important step in protecting your case. We're pleased to offer individualized coaching, including book recommendations and role-play. We aim to figure out what exactly is likely to happen in your deposition, not in depositions generally, and to prepare you personally for deposition. One-size-fits-all methods are not nearly so effective as some personalized, focused coaching. 

Depo prep is usually charged by the hour, although for some cases we've worked out a set-price package. Hourly is generally easier because it allows you to decide how much coaching you feel like you need, and to stop paying for help when you no longer feel like you need it. Representation at a deposition is a fixed fee, and we manage to make it a lot cheaper than most after doing some coaching. Your attorney will already be conversant in your case and will know in detail what to expect. 

If you'd like our help in your deposition, please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible with a quote and a plan. Depo prep is usually just $150 hour, and sometimes lower for interesting cases.